Don’t plan on marrying baby
I’ll get you what you need
Not too far to go on
Not too far to me
You can ask for pims in your beer
You can ask for symmetrical planning
You can ask for torturous membrane
You can ask for orange juice frozen
You can ask for any old woman
You can ask for lumber yard fence
You can ask for a thimble of poison
You can ask for sheep and shavers
And you can die for
Be careful what you wish for
Be careful what you wish for
Available On
Dessert Sessions vol. 6
Rickshaw (n) - a small two-wheeled cart for one person; pulled by one person
When was this song played live?
Brant Bjork - Guitar, "Pitter Pat"
Josh (Homme) - Drums, Mosquito Guitar, Guitar
Digital D (Dave Catching) - Guitar, Vox, Ray Gun, Assorted Accoutrements
Chizm - Alien String Trombone, Vox
Fugitive People - Guitar, Vox, Electrical Contraptions
Gene Troutman (Trautmann) - Cartoon-Balloon-Vidal Sassoon-type-percussion, "Drums Wrong"
Carlo (Josh Homme) - Cartoon-Balloon-Vidal Sassoon-type-percussion, Guitar
Fred Drake (earthlings?) - Cartoon-Balloon-Vidal Sassoon-type-percussion
Eugene - Percussive Apparatus
The Saucers - Vox (background)
Dave Catching - Guitar
Barrett Martin (Screaming Trees) - Drums
The Kid (Granite Path) - Bass
Adam Maples (earthlings?) - Drums
Hosh Ross Sonjoni - Bass
Note: All of these people probably don't play on this song (some of the people may not even exist), but at present who plays on what isn't know. If you know, send an email!