Queens of the Stone AgeEdition Info
Release Date Label ID Format Origin Notes Availability No.
2002/xx/xx Interscope QSAPRO0702 CD Australia 1 track sampler 4 [1]
2002/xx/xx Interscope ADVQOTSA1 CD EU 3 track sampler 4 [2]
2002/06/xx Interscope QOTSA2 CD EU 4 track sampler 3 [3]
2002/07/29 Interscope INTR 10793-2 CD US Sample this School Boy 2 [4]

*Availability Rating: how easy it is to get this item on a scale from 1 to 5; 1 is very easy, 5 is damn near impossible.
No One Knows [1] - [3] [4]
Gonna Leave You - [2] - -
Do It Again - [2] - -
Hangin’ Tree - [2] [3] -
You Think I ain’t Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire - - [3] [4]
Go With the Flow - - [3] -
God is in the Radio - - - [4]
Monsters in the Parasol [live] - - - [4]
The Lost Art of Keeping a Secret [live] - - - [4]

1-Track Promo
The 1 track promo comes in a slimline jewel case with the pitchfork and Q logo colors reversed.

3-Track Promo
The 3 track promo comes in a cardboard sleeve with the pitchfork and Q logo colors reversed

Sample This School Boy Album Sampler
This sampler was originally thought to come from QOTSA's street team. It's actual origin remains unknown, but it's probably just another promo from the label.

You Think I Ain't Worth a Dollar, but I Feel Like a Millionaire This track is just entitled “Millionaire” on the Sample this School boy CD.
Pressing Info
1. unknown pressing quantity
2. unknown pressing quantity
3. unknown pressing quantity
4. unknown pressing quantity

Cover Scans
1 track sampler

3 track sampler

4 track sampler

Sample this school boy

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