1.4c Newsgroups

1.4c Newsgroups

Newsgroups are very complicated. Because of this, they will not be explained here. Go here for the beginner's guide to Usenet (or to news.newusers.questions on Usenet). This should answer all of your questions.

There is no QOTSA newsgroup at the moment. An attempt was made to create one in early 2001. It was shot down on alt.config due to lack of interest in QOTSA on already-existing newsgroups. If you're interested in creating a QOTSA newsgroup, read the FAQs in the next paragraph and then email this site for some strategies.

Here's a good FAQ about how to create an "alt" newsgroup. A QOTSA newsgroup would most likey fall under the alt. heading (probably as alt.music.qotsa). In case you're interested in other hierarchies, here's a guide to creating newsgroups under various other hierarchies here.

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